Sunday, April 22, 2012

How I Live

So, I set out to write a debate speech... and ended up planning a menu entirely based on Joy the Baker recipes. No biggie. It's just the way I live. I was also going to have a normal weekend... and got a nasty cold. Again, no biggie. It's what life thew at me, and I caught it full in the face. I have a lot of these experiences. Where I have every good intention, and fate hands me a gift basket of lemons. But whatevs (<- must stop saying this word), because I know Romans 8:28 holds true. I live my little, uneventful life to the best of my ability because God works everything out to His glory, especially if we love and trust in Him. So, even if I am determined to eat a salad and order a milkshake instead (you'd be amazed at how often this happens), it's all good. Because, "... we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose." Love, pure and simple.